FoWnordics: Pillar IV - New labour market agents

Platform work is still marginal in the Nordic countries, but whilst offering promising prospects for innovation and growth, it may, if it gains momentum, also engender disruptive change in parts of the labour market.

Its future path of evolution depends, amongst others, on the regulative responses of governments and social partners, and on the platforms’ ability to construct business concepts that not only meet the expectations of customers but also those of the workforce and the wider society.

Given the Nordic labour markets’ historical capacity for adjustment to change, one can indeed envisage paths of evolutionary change whereby platform work is incorporated into the associational institutions of the Nordic model, but alternative paths where platforms serve as engines for further disorganization, externalization of work, and risk for more inferior work environments appear equally plausible.

In this pillar, we will study the further spread and evolution of platform work, employment relations, and regulative, institutional responses in the Nordic countries in the context of evolving EU regulations. 

Pillar coordinator

Kristin Jesnes, Researcher, Fafo

Reports and events

Platform work performed by a qualified work force – the case of technical translators. NfoW Brief 10

Fafo-breakfast about the strike among Foodora-emplyees. The pink strike #Rosastreiken

Jesnes, Kristin (2019). Employment Models of Platform Companies in Norway: A Distinctive Approach? Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, Vol 9, Special issue No 56

Oppegaard, Sigurd M.N., Anna Ilsøe, Kristin Jesnes, Bertil Rolandsson and Antti Saloniemi (2019). Uber in the Nordic countries: Challenges and adjustments. Nordic future of work Brief 1

Jesnes, Kristin and Fabian Braesemann (2019). Measuring online labour: A subcategory of platform work. Nordic future of work Brief 2

Jesnes Kristin, Anna Ilsøe and Marianne J. Hotvedt (2019). Collective agreements in the platform economy. Nordic future of work Brief 3

Rasmussen, Stine (2018). Platform work in Denmark and regulatory issues - towards a conceptualization. Presentation at Nordic Work Life Conference.

Alsos, Kristin, Kristin Jesnes and Beate Sletvold Øistad (2018). Når sjefen er en app – delingsøkonomi i et arbeidsperspektiv. Praktisk økonomi & finans 02 / 2018 (Volum 34).

Dølvik, Jon Erik and Kristin Jesnes (2018). Nordic labour markets and the sharing economy. Report from a pilot project. TemaNord 2018:516. Nordic Council of Ministers.

Fafo-breakfast about the platform economy in Norway, January 2018. 

Ilsøe, A & Madsen, LW (2018). Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the Age of Collaborative economy (IRSDACE). National Report Denmark. vol. FAOS Research Paper No 163, FAOS, Sociologisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, Copenhagen. 

Rasmussen, Stine & Per Kongshøj Madsen (2017). Plattfomrøkonomien og prekariatet. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 19(1).

Ilsøe, A & Madsen, LW (2017). Digitalisering af arbejdsmarkedet: Danskernes erfaring med digital automatisering og digitale platforme. vol. 157.

Dølvik, J. E. & Jesnes, K. (2018). Nordic labour markets and the sharing economy. Report from a pilot project. TemaNord 2018:516. Nordic Council of Ministers. Last ned / Download pdf

Dølvik, J. E. & Jesnes, K. (2017). Nordic labour markets and the sharing economy. Report from a pilot project. TemaNord 2017:508. Nordic Council of Ministers. Last ned / Download pdf

Alsos, K., Jesnes, K., Øistad, B. S. & Nesheim, T. (2017). Når sjefen er en app. Fafo-rapport 2017:41

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