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New article on foreign aid interventions in the Middle East and North Africa region

News | 10 December 2015

Hvordan fungerer bistandsmidler fra vestlige land når de gis til parter med ulike interesser og verdier? Beáta Paragi har skrevet en artikkel om dette i  Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. Konsekvensene av den arabiske våren har ført til økt ustabilitet i mange områder i Midtøsten og Nord-Afrika.

Causes and consequences of the Arab Spring have received considerable attention since winter 2010/11. The traditional trade-off between the foreign support channelled in the form of aid to ‘cooperative’ governments in the Middle East and benefits (stability) gained from such support has been challenged by the Arab Spring. This paper, written by Beáta Paragi,  aims to explore the interactions between foreign aid and legitimacy.
Publisert: 10 December 2015