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New report on housing of refugees

Migration, integration and skills | 19 May 2015

Denne rapporten handler om samordning mellom Husbanken, IMDi og kommunene i arbeidet med bosetting av flyktninger. Studien er basert på kvalitative intervjuer, deltakelse på kommunesamlinger og dokumentstudier. Vidar Bakkeli (bildet) og Ragnhild Steen Jensen har skrevet rapporten.

This report explores the coordination of housing and integration policy between the Norwegian State Housing Bank (Husbanken), IMDi and the municipalities to settle refugees. The study is based on qualitative interviews, participation in municipal assemblies and document studies. The report is written by Vidar Bakkeli (pictured) and Ragnhild Steen Jensen.

Publisert: 19 May 2015