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Vocational education and training for Electricians

Nyhet_Arbeidsliv og arbeidsmarked | 19 June 2015
Kravet om etterutdanning har stått sentralt i EL & IT Forbundets nyere historie, som tariffestet rett  til etterutdanning. Forholdet til arbeidsgiversiden har i perioder vært konfliktfylt, men også preget av kompromisser og samarbeid. Tema for denne rapporten er hvilken rolle Elektrobransjens Utviklingssenter, ELBUS har spilt.  Dag Olberg har skrevet rapporten.
The struggle for collective agreement based provisions on vocational education and training has been central in the recent history of EL & IT Forbundet – The Electricians and IT Workers Union. In this context the relations with the employer side have been characterized by conflicts, yet also by compromises and cooperation. This report, written by Dag Olberg, discusses which role the development center ELBUS played in these processes.
Publisert: 19 June 2015