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Assistance to victims of trafficking

Nyhet_Rettigheter og sikkerhet | 05 April 2016

Det har i løpet av de siste to tiårene blitt innført en rekke tiltak for å hjelpe ofre for menneskehandel i Norge. Hva er det som skal til for å sikre tilgang til et levebrød, bosted og medisinsk hjelp for denne gruppa? Anette Brunovskis har skrevet en artikkel om temaet i Journal of Comparative Social Work.

Over the past two decades, several measures have been developed to provide assistance to persons defined as victims of trafficking. In this article Anette Brunovskis describes and discusses the organization of barriers and access to assistance (such as housing, medical assistance and subsistence support) for this group in Norway, taking as its starting point the daily practice of social workers and using an institutional ethnographic approach.

Publisert: 05 April 2016