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How does the Norwegian model work in practice at the enterprise level ?

News | 09 October 2015

Det finnes god kunnskap om den norske modellen på sentralt nivå, men vi vet mindre om hvordan den virker lokalt, ute i virksomhetene. For eksempel hvordan det daglige partssamarbeidet fungerer, og hva slags innflytelse de tillitsvalgte har i virksomhetene. Rapporten er skrevet av Sissel C. Trygstad, Kristin Alsos, Inger Marie Hagen og Ragnhild Steen Jensen.

There are good knowledge of the functioning of the Norwegian model at the central level, but we know less about how it works locally, in enterprises . For instance, how the collaboration between trade unions and the employer works, and what kind of influence TU reps have in the enterprises. The report is written by Sissel C. Trygstad , Kristin Alsos , Inger Marie Hagen and Ragnhild Steen Jensen.

Publisert: 09 October 2015