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Extending working lives through flexible retirement schemes

Nyhet_Velferd og levekår | 20 January 2017

Fafo-forsker Tove Midtsundstad har deltatt i en internasjonal ekspertgruppe som bidro til Eurofound-rapporten: Extending working lives through flexible retirement schemes: Partial retirement. Ordninger i ulike land og sektorer er utredet. Landene er Norge, Sverige, Finland, Nederland, Tsjekkia, Frankrike og Tyskland.

Tove Midtsundstad has participated in an expert-group that contributed to a Eurofound-report. This report investigates how partial retirement schemes can contribute to sustainable and adequate pension systems by enabling and motivating people to extend their working lives. It maps schemes at national and sector levels in the EU and Norway.

Publisert: 20 January 2017