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New article about recruiting trade union reps among ethnic minorities in Norway

Nyhet_Arbeidsliv og arbeidsmarked | 06 October 2016

I 2015 var det bare én ikke-europeer blant medlemmene i LOs forbundsstyrer. Inger Marie Hagen og Ragnhild Steen Jensen har skrevet denne artikkelen, som ser på rekruttering av tillitsvalgte blant innvandrere i Norge. Den er publisert i Søkelys på arbeidslivet, 03/2016.

In 2007, out of 288 higher positions in the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) 287 were occupied by ethnic Norwegians, and in 2015 there was still just one trade union representative with a non-European background and two Europeans. Inger Marie Hagen and Ragnhild Steen Jensen have written this article, published in Norwegian Journal of Working Life Studies, 03/2016.

Publisert: 06 October 2016