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Whistleblowing in local government

Nyhet_Arbeidsliv og arbeidsmarked | 17 June 2016

Er varsling til lokalpolitikere akseptabelt? Og hvordan håndterer politikerne varslinger fra administrativt ansatte i kommunene? Sissel C. Trygstad har skrevet en artikkel  sammen med Marit Skivenes (Universitetet i Bergen) som tar for seg disse spørsmålene.  Artikkelen er publisert online i Scandinavian Political Studies.

Whistleblowing in local governments can bring critical knowledge about misconduct and failed policy outcomes and priorities to the attention of politicians. This article examines whether (1) whistleblowing to politicians is considered acceptable, (2) politicians receive whistleblowing cases and how those who do so handle the case, and (3) contact patterns between politicians and administrative employees influence the whistleblowing activity and the action taken by the politicians to address wrongdoing.

Publisert: 17 June 2016