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New book about minimum wage

News | 23 September 2015 | Anne Mette Ødegård
Fafo-forskerne Line Eldring og Kristin Alsos (bildet) har skrevet kapitlet "Statutory minimum wage regulation in Europe. A necessary evil?" i en ny bok om minstelønn. Tittelen på boka er "Global Wage Debates. Politics or Economics?", og den er redigert av Gregory Randolph og Knut Panknin.
Fafo-researchers Line Eldring and Kristin Alsos (pictured) have written the chapter "Statutory minimum wage regulation in Europe. A necessary evil?" in a new book about minimum wages. The book is titled "Global Wage Debates. Politics or Economics?", and edited by Gregory Randolph and Knut Panknin.
Publisert: 23 September 2015