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Models for financing apprenticeship schemes

Migration, integration and skills | 29 June 2016

Skal Norge gjøre som danskene, å la virksomhetene betale lærlingtilskuddet? Dette notatet handler om modeller for finansiering av lærlingeplasser. I Norge gjøres dette over skatteseddelen, mens den i Danmark finansieres gjennom en kollektiv ordning hvor alle virksomheter bidrar. Silje Andresen, Kaja Reegård og Jon Rogstad tar for seg fordeler og ulemper ved de to modellene.

Should Norway follow the Danish example where companies finance the apprenticeship grants? This report addresses models for financing apprenticeship schemes. In Norway apprenticeship grants are financed by the public tax-system. Denmark, on the other hand, has a collective funding system where all companies contribute. Silje Andresen, Kaja Reegård and Jon Rogstad discuss advantages and disadvantages with the two models respectively.
Publisert: 29 June 2016