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Social dialogue for development and reduced inequalities

In this project we look at the connections between social dialogue and development and cohesion. How can social dialogue help reduce inequality? What conditions must be in place for dialogue and negotiations within industrial relations to have such significance?

Economic inequality is increasing worldwide, and the UN's sustainability goals defines both a goal to reduce inequality (SDG goal 10) and emphasize the importance of social dialogue for economic and social development (SDG8).

There are a number of different tools and policies to reduce inequality, and social dialogue can be an important instrument to develop such regulations and policies.

Social dialogue is understood as negotiations, consultations, and exchange of information between two or three parties in the setting of the working life (government, employers, workers) – at national, sector or company level on economic or social issues.

This project examines literature concerning the connections between social dialogue and measures against inequality across time and in different countries. We look specifically at 9 case studies from different countries in the global North and South that deal with inequality or re-distribution, from the "Norwegian model" to the minimum wage in Brazil and just transition for coal workers in Spain.

Finally, the project assesses the preconditions for social dialogue to contribute to equality.


Project period

  • Start:
    October 2022
  • End:
    December 2023

Commissioned by


Sustainable development goals