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Career Guidance for Newly-Arrived Migrants: Cooperation between Municipalities and Career Centres

Newly arrived refugees and immigrants have the right and obligation to receive career guidance shortly after settlement. How can county career centres and municipalities collaborate on this form of career guidance in a way that they consider successful?

Since 2021, newly arrived refugees have had the right and obligation to undergo skills mapping and career guidance (Integration Act §11). The aim is to help individuals make informed choices about work and education, and to ensure that the introduction program is adapted to the individual's needs. In this project, Fafo explores examples of collaboration between county-level career centers and municipalities, which the actors themselves define as successful in helping to achieve the goals of career guidance. The research project will be carried out in the fall and winter of 2023-2024. The project builds on a previous study in which we examined how career guidance for newly arrived refugees is carried out, and how the actors involved assess the quality of the work, the cooperation between the agencies, the framework for the assignment and the benefits for the refugees who participate. The purpose of this additional assignment is to conduct a qualitative survey that uses and builds on the results of the previous study.


Project period

  • Start:
    September 2023
  • End:
    February 2024

Commissioned by

  • Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills

Sustainable development goals