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Level of living study: Living conditions and neuro diversity

See Norwegian version for more information on the project.


Diagnosing children and young adults with neuro biological diagnoses such as autism, ADHD and tics diagnoses such as Tourettes is on the increase in Norway. Yet little research-based knowledge exists on the prognoses of these children. There is little systematic evidence on what characterizes the young persons with these diagnoses that succeed well in life, contra those who experience significant challenges. The life situation to those next in kin is also not well studied.

This project aims to close this knowledge gap by carrying out a level of living study among youth, young adults with these diagnoses and their next of kin. Research questions asked are: To what extent does youth and young adults with neuro biological diagnoses and their next of kin experience different challenges in their living conditions, and to what extent has public services contributed to ease these challenges? Which factors may explain the variation in living conditions within the study group as a whole and in the different diagnoses sub groups?

The project is carried out as a collaboration between Fafo and Unge funksjonshemmede. The project also collaborates with the following user organisations ADHD Norge, Tourette foreningen, Autismeforeningen and Spekteret.

See Norwegian version for more information.


Project period

  • Start:
    March 2020
  • End:
    May 2023

Commissioned by

  • EkstrastiftelsenUnge Funksjonshemmede