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Methodology training and technical support for CASTED, phase I

The project aims to explore new survey methods and provide training and technical support to CASTED (Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development).

It will also provide opportunity for two institutes to exchange knowledge on new survey techniques that is applicable to social research and surveys in China.

This project, as the first phase, will organize workshops and trainings both in Oslo and in Beijing. The project will be initiated at the startup meeting in Beijing November 2016. Furthermore, Fafo researchers will be involved in two CASTED surveys to be conducted in 2017. A CASTED – Fafo team will work together to explore how new survey methods and techniques can be applied in China, what the specific challenges can be and what needs to be taken care of in the field to avoid significant bias.



  • Oppstart:
    november 2016


  • The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs