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Skolematordning i krisesituasjoner

Målet med denne studien er å få en bedre forståelse av fordeler og potensielle muligheter som ligger i skolematprogrammer i humanitære krisesituasjoner.


The aim of the study is to get a better understanding of the benefits and potentials of school feeding programs in emergency contexts, and thus, adress knowledge gap between school feeding programs in development and emergency settings. A proper view of the challenges and potentials of school feeding programs will inform and better define the emergency role of World Food Program in the global social protection arena.

An examination of the role and benefits of school feeding programmes in emergency contexts will also be helpful in informing and better defining the emerging role of WFP in the global Social Protection arena, as well as discussions within the organisation on how best it can take protection concerns into consideration in its programmes, specifically the benefits and risks that school feeding in emergencies pose in terms of the safety, dignity and integrity of affected people.

Finally, it will inform the broader dialogue with national governments on scalability of shock responsive and hunger-smart safety nets in emergency contexts and the scope for country capacity strengthening in this regard.



  • Oppstart:
    mai 2016
  • Avsluttes:
    oktober 2016


  • World Food Program