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Visjon2030 Formative Dialogue Research

The VISJON2030 initiative is setup to contribute to poverty reduction in countries receiving development aid from Norway.

The VISJON2030 initiative is setup to contribute to poverty reduction in countries receiving development aid from Norway, with the explicit purpose of scaling up innovative solutions that promote achievements of the SDGs in education and health.

Under the Visjon2030 funding mechanism, four projects led by Norwegian institutions that cooperate closely with actors in developing countries are granted a total amount of 57 million NOK. Additional innovation projects are expected to be financed under the funding mechanism.

Evidence on the effectiveness and impacts of the innovation projects is important in informing policy and practice decisions. Understanding how the innovation projects are implemented including how contextual and programmatic factors contribute to the success of the innovation projects is equally important.

Formative dialogue research that examines the implementation processes of innovation projects can contribute to this understanding. Formative research aims at identifying key components of the innovation projects while they are implemented and explores the factors affecting its implementation in relation to the implementation context.

The findings of a formative research can be used to guide the scaling-up of the innovation projects.

The formative dialogue research project has two objectives:

  1. to analyze and develop theoretical understanding of the Visjon2030 mechanism
  2. provide research based inputs to strengthen the implementation of the innovation projects while assessing impacts and strategies for scaling-up successful innovation projects.

The proposed formative dialogue research is a learningprocess with continuous interactions and dialogue with the innovation project implementers. It is geared towards developing knowledge relevant for the implementation and sustainability of the projects.

The research project aims to provide lessons and critical policy analysis of the Visjon2030 program to usefully inform decision makers and planners.



  • Oppstart:
    desember 2017
  • Avsluttes:
    desember 2024


  • Norges forskningsråd
