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Silje Andresen



PhD in sociology, Universitety of Oslo

Master's degree in sociology, University of Oslo

Area of work

Current projects

Online Higher Vocational Education: Opportunities and Limitations
This project explores the opportunities and challenges of online Higher Vocational Education, with a focus on technical subjects as well as health and welfare studies.

School4Work is a project involving partners OsloMet Department of Vocational Teacher Education, Fafo, Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) and the regional education authorities in Oslo kommune and Viken fylkeskommune. The project is about vocational students' transition from school to apprenticeship. It aims to generate knowledge about the conditions that affect the transition, particularly emphasising what vocational teachers can do to facilitate it. Fafo participates in two work packages, one on what vocational teachers do to prepare students for apprenticeships and one on employers' decisions to offer apprenticeships, and leads the latter.

Nordic Street-Level Integration Work
Fafo coordinates a Nordic network of researchers within the field of Street-Level Integration Work. A focus on what happens at the street-level, in the operationalization of policy to practice and in interaction with concrete individuals, provides important contributions to the how and why of integration work and outcomes of integration efforts in the Nordic countries. The network organizes a workshop-series designed to promote, develop, and support collaborative research on integration work in street-level organizations in the Nordic countries.
Norwegian-Romanian Initiative for Quality in Education - NOROC

The project aims to improve the quality of educational services, in particular in rural areas, in five departments in Romania. The project aims to combat school dropout and facilitate the transition from primary to lower secondary education and lower secondary to upper secondary education for 650 children at risk.

Evaluation of the upper secondary education reform "Fagfornyelsen"

Fafo, NIFU and Oslo Met jointly evaluate the national upper secondary vocational education reform "Fagfornyelsen" which introduces both new curricula and a new program and structure. The research-based evaluation is organized into five work packages: Governance and implementation, Didactics, Apprentice/Student perspective, Labour market relevance, and Synthesis.

Fafo publications

Completed projects

Gender balance in Hydro's aluminium plant

Norsk Hydro wants a more even gender balance among its employees, ie more female employees in its aluminium plants/factories. This applies to both operators and engineers. In the project, we will provide an overview of the current situation, what the challenges are and point to possible measures/facilitation to achieve a more even gender balance