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Torgeir Nyen

Senior Researcher

Torgeir Nyen has worked as a researcher at Fafo since 2003. His primary research field is vocational education and training (VET and higher VET), with an emphasis on labour market aspects. He has also conducted research on workplace learning and education and skills policy.

Together with Anna Hagen Tønder, he has written the book "Yrkesfagene under pressure" about Norwegian VET which was published by Universitetsforlaget in 2014.

He is currently leading Fafo's work with the Horizon Europe project "Skills2Capabilities" and the Norwegian Research Council project "School4Work", in addition to other projects (see below for a full list of ongoing projects).


Political scientist

Area of work

Current projects


School4Work is a project involving partners OsloMet Department of Vocational Teacher Education, Fafo, Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) and the regional education authorities in Oslo kommune and Viken fylkeskommune. The project is about vocational students' transition from school to apprenticeship. It aims to generate knowledge about the conditions that affect the transition, particularly emphasising what vocational teachers can do to facilitate it. Fafo participates in two work packages, one on what vocational teachers do to prepare students for apprenticeships and one on employers' decisions to offer apprenticeships, and leads the latter.


The Skills2Capabilities project is about understanding how skill systems across Europe can reduce the level of skills mismatch in the labour markets. The study addresses this from both a demand side and a supply side perspective to identify how skill systems can better respond to meeting skill demands in a more fluid labour market environment. The project is a collaboration between research institutions in eight European countries. Fafo leads a work package where we will compare countries in how selected VET qualifications adjust to technological change, and how work content/organization interact with changes in VET qualifications.

Evaluation of the upper secondary education reform "Fagfornyelsen"

Fafo, NIFU and Oslo Met jointly evaluate the national upper secondary vocational education reform "Fagfornyelsen" which introduces both new curricula and a new program and structure. The research-based evaluation is organized into five work packages: Governance and implementation, Didactics, Apprentice/Student perspective, Labour market relevance, and Synthesis.

Fafo publications

Other publications

Completed projects

The role of the master craftsman in the labour market and in skills development in Norway

The research project is about the role of the Master Craftman Qualification in the labour market and in skills development in Norway. The project will compare the Norwegian Master Craftman Qualification with similar qualifications in other countries. It will also provide new knowledge on the impact of the qualification on individual careers and its societal impact in terms of new business establishments and apprenticeships

Regional tripartite cooperation on vocational education and training

The research project examines the role of tripartite cooperation on vocational education and training (VET) at the regional level in Norway, with special emphasis on "yrkesopplæringsnemnda", the peak cooperative organ in each county.

Consequences and management of the outbreak of the corona virus in upper secondary education

The purpose of the project is to gather systematic knowledge about how different ways of dealing with the outbreak of the coronavirus and the closure of schools have affected students' motivation, learning, and opportunities to complete upper secondary education.

Development of an experiment with scholarships for skilled workers

One or more models for testing scholarships for skilled workers will be developed. The model(s) should be possible to implement and evaluate effectively, preferably through a randomized controlled trial (RCT).

The contribution of skilled workers and apprentices in innovation processes
Within research on innovation, there has been little research on the contribution of skilled workers and apprentices in innovation processes.
Skilled worker tracking survey

Within the vocational education programs of building and construction, and healthcare, childhood and youth development.

Qualifying students for apprenticeship or bridging courses

Fafo evaluates four different models of preparing vocational students for apprenticeship or bridging courses to obtain general entrance to university/college studies.

Dual VET-models with more frequent changes of learning arenas

Fafo evaluates a number of projects which test dual models of vocational education and training (VET) that are different from the current standard 2+2-model for VET at upper secondary level in Norway. In these models called "vekslingsmodeller" students/apprentices change more frequently between learning at school and learning at work. In the standard 2+2-model two years at school is followed by two year apprenticeship. The evaluation is carried out in cooperation with NIFU.

Adult learning, vocational skills and labour market outcomes

An important purpose of this project is to gain more knowledge about factors that motivate young adults to obtain a trade certificate. In addition, we investigate the importance of a vocational qualification for labour market participation and mobility.

Alternatives to apprenticeship for VET students

Initial vocational education and training in Norway usually consists of two years mostly school based training followed by two years apprenticeship.